The Studio System

Main Fronters


Pronouns: She/They/He

Often seen trying to make bets on whatever she can. Enjoys a good game of Poker. Usually quite upbeat, sly, and playfully teasing. Actually quite nurturing. An absolute hippie mother to Reese. Somehow connected to the 80s/90s era and tends to gravitate to those things.


Pronouns: Any (Feminine leaning)

Deals with most of the body's psychological pain. Generally quite anxious about something. Actually likes to sing and record it when she gets the chance to. Extremely fluffy and soft looking. They and Nova are two parts to a whole being. Sort of the same person but not.


Pronouns: Any (Masculine leaning)

Deals with most of the body's physical pain. Quite logical, blunt, and may even come off as cold. They do care, though. May seem to be upset or frustrated, but he also deals with our tremendous physical pain most times. He isn't mad at you. Has the driest humor you've ever heard.


Pronouns: They/Them

A typical teen/young adult. Rational, but very fun-loving, deep into internet culture. Very knowledgable about Psychology, along with Bonnie.


Pronouns: She/They

An ageslider from a young child to teenager. Easily overwhelmed, but an extremely sweet kid. Pretty smart. Knowledgable in Psychology and it is a special interest. Collects father figures like yu-gi-yoh cards.



Pronouns: She/They

Small child alter, Marigold's kid. Feisty, with a swearing problem, but a very beloved kid nonetheless. Snatches front to play Splatoon 3.


Pronouns: She/Her

Extremely small child alter.
Not much to be said due
to the fact she is so young.
Marble's kid.



Pronouns: He/Him

This guy has the worst luck. Please for the love of god do not let him cook anything he will light on fire or something. Sweet suburban dad sorta guy that would protect his kids with his life. Somehow very unaware but very perceptive. Loves a good crime show or two.


Pronouns: She/Her (They/Them?)

Marigold's oldest sister. An absolute workaholic that doesn't know the meaning of stopping when something is too much. Tough love sort. She's going to make sure you get things done while also being proud of you for doing it. Mari and Val very much sibling brawl.


Pronouns: He/They/She

Chaos incarnate. Slightly unhinged and manic, or severely depressed. Memories tend to be based off of 305 mostly. Recently has taken to keeping his Sam's hat on his head and his tie all tied around his paw. Might just spout nonsense but he's just living his life.

Background photo credits to this reddit post